Manikaran is situated in the Parvati Valley, in the Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh on the banks of the Parvati River in the North-East of Bhuntar. It is located at an altitude of 1760 meters and is located about 40 km from the Bhuntar. Manikaran is a pilgrimage center for Hindus and Sikhs. Hindu believe that Manu resurrected human life in Manikaran after the flood, made it a holy area. There are a lot of temples and gurdwaras in the form of temples of Lord Rama, Krishna, and Vishnu. This area is famous for its natural hot water springs and its beautiful landscape.
According to a legend, when Lord Shiva and his better half were walking in the Parvati Valley, Parvati removed one of his earrings. This jewel of Shesh-Nag, which was seized by serpent god, which disappeared in the earth with him, Shiva-Nag sacrificed jewel only when Shiva performed the cosmic dance, “Tandava” and shot Jewel with water. Obviously, it is said that the earthquake is still being thrown in the water. According to the Sikhs, during the third udasi, Guru Nanak Dev Ji came to this place with his brother Bhai Bala and Bhai Mardan in 1574 Vikram. Many used to donate flour to make roti (chapati).
The story of Manikaran shows that while roaming around this area, Lord Shiva and his better half, Goddess Parvati once climbed to the places surrounded by mountains and were lush green. Excited by the beauty of the place, he decided to spend some time there. It is believed that he actually spent eleven hundred years here. The name Manikaran is derived from this mythology.
Water is still hot and is considered very auspicious. The pilgrimage of this place is completely thought. It is also believed that there is no need to visit “Kashi” after going to this place. Spring water also contains germicidal powers. The water is so hot that for “anchor” rice is cooked in a sun-bag and immersed in boiling water.